شيلي پلگ S توهان جي اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ طرفان ڪنٽرول ٿيل اسٽرومفي ڊائري ذريعي

شيلي پلگ S: اسمارٽ ڪنٽرول اليڪٽرڪ اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ ذريعي
توانائي جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ قيمت جي بچت توانائي جي انتظام ۾ شامل هر ڪنهن لاءِ ٻه بنيادي خدشا آهن. انهن مقصدن کي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ جديد طريقو آهي سمارٽ پلگ استعمال ڪرڻ جهڙوڪ شيلي پلگ S بجلي جي جڳهه مارڪيٽ سان گڏ. هن بلاگ پوسٽ ۾، اسان اهو معلوم ڪنداسين ته توهان شيلي پلگ S کي برقي اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ سان ڪيئن ضم ڪري سگهو ٿا توهان جي توانائي جي قيمتن کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاء.
(اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ: هڪ بازار جتي سامان يا خدمتن جو واپار فوري طور تي يا ٿوري عرصي اندر ٿئي ٿو. توانائي جي حوالي سان، اهو موجوده قيمتن تي بجليءَ جي واپار ڏانهن اشارو ڪري ٿو.)

Why is total power consumption so important?
Monitoring total electricity consumption allows hoteliers to identify opportunities for energy and cost savings while contributing to environmental protection through reduced CO2 emissions. Additionally, having insights into overall electricity usage empowers hoteliers to optimize their operations for greater efficiency.

Cost savings:
By understanding and monitoring overall electricity consumption, hoteliers can identify areas where they can save energy and, in turn, money.
Optimizing operations:
With data on total electricity consumption, hoteliers can adjust their operations to work more efficiently.
Environmental friendliness:
Lower energy consumption means fewer CO2 emissions. Hotels that reduce their energy consumption contribute to environmental protection.

اليڪٽرڪ اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ جي وضاحت ڪئي وئي
اليڪٽرڪ اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ هڪ پليٽ فارم آهي جتي بجلي جي فوري ترسيل ل اءِ واپار ڪيو ويندو آهي. رسد ۽ طلب جي بنياد تي قيمتن ۾ ڦيرڦار ٿيندي آهي، جڏهن قيمتون گهٽ هونديون آهن ته صارفين کي بجلي خريد ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏيندا آهن. هن مارڪيٽ ڊيٽا کي توهان جي شيلي پلگ S ۾ ضم ڪرڻ سان، توهان پنهنجي ڊوائيس کي خودڪار ڪري سگهو ٿا تمام قيمتي موثر وقت تي هلائڻ لاء.
Total electricity consumption is a crucial metric for every hotel. With the right tools, such as the Stromfee diary, hoteliers can effectively monitor and optimize their energy consumption.
Energy consumption in hotels: An insight into the most important areas

Hotels are like small towns that run 24 hours a day and offer various services to their guests. To ensure all these services run smoothly, they require a continuous supply of various forms of energy. Let's look at the main areas where energy is used in a hotel.
انضمام جو عمل
قدم 1:
ڊيٽا گڏ ڪرڻ
Stromfee Diary اليڪٽرڪ اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ مان حقيقي وقت ڊيٽا گڏ ڪري ٿي ۽ توهان جي گهر جي توانائي جي استعمال جي نمونن.
قدم 2:
ڊيٽا جو تجزيو
Stromfee Diary ۾ AI الگورتھم ھن ڊيٽا جو تجزيو ڪري ٿو توھان جي برقي ڊوائيسز کي هلائڻ لاءِ سڀ کان وڌيڪ قيمتي وقت جو تعين ڪرڻ لاءِ.
قدم 3:
شيلي پلگ S ڏانهن حڪم موڪلڻ
تجزيو جي بنياد تي، Stromfee Diary موڪلي ٿو شيلي پرو 4 PM کي MQTT ذريعي ڊوائيسز کي آن يا آف ڪرڻ لاءِ.
قدم 4:
Shelly Plug S انهن حڪمن تي عمل ڪري ٿو، انهي کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته توهان جا ڊوائيس هلندا آهن جڏهن توانائي جي قيمتون تمام گهٽ هونديون آهن، انهي ڪري توهان جي پئسا بچائيندا آهن. انضمام جا فائدا
قدم 4:
Shelly Plug S انهن حڪمن تي عمل ڪري ٿو، انهي کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته توهان جا ڊوائيس هلندا آهن جڏهن توانائي جي قيمتون تمام گهٽ هونديون آهن، انهي ڪري توهان جي پئسا بچائيندا آهن. انضمام جا فائدا
The energy supply in a hotel is a complex network that ensures that guests are always satisfied and all services run smoothly. Efficient energy management is therefore essential for the success of every hotel.
#StromfeeDiary #IFTTT # LowerYourEnergyBills #گھر آٽوميشن # ڪاروباري ڪارڪردگي #SmartHeating # سمارٽ کولنگ # قيمت گھٽائڻ # توانائي جي بچت
(نوٽ: IFTTT جو مطلب آهي "جيڪڏهن هي، پوءِ اهو،" هڪ ويب تي ٻڌل خدمت جيڪا توهان کي مشروط بيان ٺاهڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي جنهن کي ايپليٽ سڏيو ويندو آهي مخصوص ڪارناما شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ. MQTT ننڍڙن سينسر ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز لاءِ هڪ ہلڪو وزن پيغام رسائيندڙ پروٽوڪول آهي.)

Combined heat and power plant (CHP): The heart of modern hotel energy supply

In today’s world, sustainable and efficient energy solutions are essential for hotels. The combined heat and power plant, or CHP for short, has proven to be a real game-changer in this regard. It acts as a central energy source and supplies many hotels not only with electricity but also with heat. But what makes the CHP so special and how does the electricity fee system support hoteliers?
Double benefit: electricity and heat from the CHP plant
The principle of the CHP is simple and ingenious at the same time: it not only uses the electricity generated for direct supply, but also converts the resulting waste heat into usable energy. This makes the CHP an extremely efficient system that significantly reduces hotels' energy consumption while ensuring a sustainable energy supply.
Electricity fairy in action: Intelligent monitoring and control
The electricity fee system takes the operation of the CHP to a whole new level. It enables the continuous monitoring of electricity and heat generation and thus offers hoteliers a detailed insight into the performance of their CHP. This is particularly important to ensure that the CHP always runs optimally and does not cause unnecessary energy loss.
Always up-to-date: systematic maintenance
Another advantage of the electricity fee system is the automatic recording of maintenance intervals. This way, hoteliers can ensure that their CHP is always in top condition and operating at maximum efficiency. Regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of the CHP, but also helps to minimize downtime and optimize energy consumption.
For many hotels, the combined heat and power plant is the heart of their energy supply. By combining it with the electricity fee system, hoteliers can ensure that they exploit the full potential of their CHP while making their energy consumption efficient and sustainable.
#StromfeeDiary #IFTTT # LowerYourEnergyBills #گھر آٽوميشن # ڪاروباري ڪارڪردگي #SmartHeating # سمارٽ کولنگ # قيمت گھٽائڻ # توانائي جي بچت
(نوٽ: IFTTT جو مطلب آهي "جيڪڏهن هي، پوءِ اهو،" هڪ ويب تي ٻڌل خدمت جيڪا توهان کي مشروط بيان ٺاهڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي جنهن کي ايپليٽ سڏيو ويندو آهي مخصوص ڪارناما شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ. MQTT ننڍڙن سينسر ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز لاءِ هڪ ہلڪو وزن پيغام رسائيندڙ پروٽوڪول آهي.)

Benefits of Photovoltaic Systems (PV Systems) for Hotels
Hotels are often large consumers of electrical energy, be it for lighting, heating, cooling or operating systems. The integration of a photovoltaic system (PV system) can bring both ecological and economic benefits for hotels:

Ecological commitment:
Sustainable energy source: Hotels can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental protection.
Green Image: A hotel that uses renewable energy sources can position itself as an environmentally conscious company and thus attract environmentally conscious guests.
Installing a PV system offers a win-win situation for hotels. You can achieve significant cost savings, reduce your environmental footprint and position yourself as a leader in sustainability.
#StromfeeDiary #IFTTT # LowerYourEnergyBills #گھر آٽوميشن # ڪاروباري ڪارڪردگي #SmartHeating # سمارٽ کولنگ # قيمت گھٽائڻ # توانائي جي بچت
(نوٽ: IFTTT جو مطلب آهي "جيڪڏهن هي، پوءِ اهو،" هڪ ويب تي ٻڌل خدمت جيڪا توهان کي مشروط بيان ٺاهڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي جنهن کي ايپليٽ سڏيو ويندو آهي مخصوص ڪارناما شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ. MQTT ننڍڙن سينسر ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز لاءِ هڪ ہلڪو وزن پيغام رسائيندڙ پروٽوڪول آهي.)

Use of the Photovoltaic System (PV system) for hotels in conjunction with the electricity fee diary

The combination of a photovoltaic system (PV system) with the Stromfee diary offers hotels an optimized solution for energy monitoring and control. Here are the main benefits of this integration:
Detailed monitoring and analysis:
Real-time data: The Stromfee diary offers real-time monitoring of the PV system's energy production and usage.
Efficiency Tracking: Hotels can monitor the performance and efficiency of their PV system over time.
Optimized power management:
Energy consumption analysis: With the Stromfee diary, hotels can analyze energy consumption and identify areas where energy can be saved.
Automated control: The system can make suggestions for optimal energy use, e.g. B. when excess energy should be stored or fed into the grid.
Cost efficiency:
Savings potential: Hotels can effectively save costs through detailed analysis of energy consumption and energy production.
Budget Forecasting: With accurate data on energy production and usage, hotels can better predict their future energy costs.
Sustainability reports:
Environmental balance: With the Stromfee diary, hotels can generate detailed reports about their CO2 savings and their contribution to the environment.
Green certifications: Such data can be useful for environmental certifications and awards.
User friendliness:
Simple interface: The Stromfee diary provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easier for hotel staff to monitor the PV system and energy consumption.
Alarm functions: If there are any problems or irregularities with the PV system, the hotel will be notified immediately.
Long-term maintenance and care
Maintenance logs: The Stromfee diary can record maintenance intervals and histories for the PV system, which is helpful for long-term care and optimization.
Integrating the Stromfee Diary with a PV system allows hotels to maximize their energy efficiency and save costs while promoting their sustainability efforts.
#StromfeeDiary #IFTTT # LowerYourEnergyBills #گھر آٽوميشن # ڪاروباري ڪارڪردگي #SmartHeating # سمارٽ کولنگ # قيمت گھٽائڻ # توانائي جي بچت
(نوٽ: IFTTT جو مطلب آهي "جيڪڏهن هي، پوءِ اهو،" هڪ ويب تي ٻڌل خدمت جيڪا توهان کي مشروط بيان ٺاهڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي جنهن کي ايپليٽ سڏيو ويندو آهي مخصوص ڪارناما شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ. MQTT ننڍڙن سينسر ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز لاءِ هڪ ہلڪو وزن پيغام رسائيندڙ پروٽوڪول آهي.)

انضمام جو عمل
Hotels are places with high energy requirements, be it for lighting, heating, cooling or for the operation of various facilities. In this context, battery storage, especially in combination with a photovoltaic (PV) system, can play a crucial role.
Here are some benefits and considerations for integrating battery storage into hotels:
قدم 1:
Stromfee Diary اليڪٽرڪ اسپاٽ مارڪيٽ مان حقيقي وقت ڊيٽا گڏ ڪري ٿي ۽ توهان جي گهر جي توانائي جي استعمال جي نمونن.
قدم 2:
Stromfee Diary ۾ AI الگورتھم ھن ڊيٽا جو تجزيو ڪري ٿو توھان جي برقي ڊوائيسز کي هلائڻ لاءِ سڀ کان وڌيڪ قيمتي وقت جو تعين ڪرڻ لاءِ.
قدم 3:
تجزيو جي بنياد تي، Stromfee Diary موڪلي ٿو شيلي پرو 4 PM کي MQTT ذريعي ڊوائيسز کي آن يا آف ڪرڻ لاءِ.
قدم 4:
Shelly Plug S انهن حڪمن تي عمل ڪري ٿو، انهي کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته توهان جا ڊوائيس هلندا آهن جڏهن توانائي جي قيمتون تمام گهٽ هونديون آهن، انهي ڪري توهان جي پئسا بچائيندا آهن. انضمام جا فائدا
قدم 4:
Shelly Plug S انهن حڪمن تي عمل ڪري ٿو، انهي کي يقيني بڻائي ٿو ته توهان جا ڊوائيس هلندا آهن جڏهن توانائي جي قيمتون تمام گهٽ هونديون آهن، انهي ڪري توهان جي پئسا بچائيندا آهن. انضمام جا فائدا
Overall, battery storage, especially when combined with PV systems, offers hotels the opportunity to reduce their energy costs, minimize their environmental impact and ensure a reliable energy source.
#StromfeeDiary #IFTTT # LowerYourEnergyBills #گھر آٽوميشن # ڪاروباري ڪارڪردگي #SmartHeating # سمارٽ کولنگ # قيمت گھٽائڻ # توانائي جي بچت
(نوٽ: IFTTT جو مطلب آهي "جيڪڏهن هي، پوءِ اهو،" هڪ ويب تي ٻڌل خدمت جيڪا توهان کي مشروط بيان ٺاهڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي جنهن کي ايپليٽ سڏيو ويندو آهي مخصوص ڪارناما شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ. MQTT ننڍڙن سينسر ۽ موبائيل ڊوائيسز لاءِ هڪ ہلڪو وزن پيغام رسائيندڙ پروٽوڪول آهي.)

انضمام جو عمل
Hotels are places with high energy requirements, be it for lighting, heating, cooling or for the operation of various facilities. In this context, battery storage, especially in combination with a photovoltaic (PV) system, can play a crucial role.

Optimized energy costs
By using the Stromfee electricity price manager, hotels can significantly reduce energy costs. The manager analyzes the current electricity price and makes recommendations as to when it is most cost-effective to obtain energy from the grid or to use the electricity stored in the battery storage system.